Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It has been a little while since my first letter. A lot has been going on since then and I haven't really had time. These letters are important to me though and I am going to try my best to make time.

My aunt Jan came to meet you and you really seemed to like her! Don't tell anyone but she has always been my favorite, ever since I was little. She used to bring a craft to teach me every year for Christmas. Without her I would never have known the joys of knitting, origami, or even off the wall things like napkin folding. She's the adventurous one of the family. She loves to do her own thing and not what everyone expects of her. That's really difficult to do on my side of the family, but it won't be for you. Your Daddy and I want the best for you, and we want you to be who you want to be, not what we think you should be. God gave you to us so that we can guide you through life, not tell you how to live it. Hopefully we will remember this when you want to run off and join the circus, haha.

You have been a little cranky, but we think we know why. You have been drooling like a crazy person and trying to eat your hand as if it were candy. Yes, we thinking you are teething. You are not even three months yet! It was bad enough that you rolled over from back to tummy around 2 weeks, and from tummy to back at 2 months! You are getting way too big, way too fast. It is honestly flying by. I get a little sad each time I put on an outfit and realize its too small. I'm really looking forward to the days where you are walking and talking, but I will miss holding and snuggling with you, and your constant babble of baby talk.

The movers start on Friday, and we leave exactly 2 weeks from today. Daddy and I are more than ready to get this move over with. All this hassle will be worth it though. We are so excited to see another part of the world, and to share it with you.

You are the worlds cutest little baby and I tell you that all the time. Daddy thinks i'm biased, but we both know the truth. The visit with Jan produced one adorable picture, one of my favorites for sure.

I love you Levi, so much you have no idea!

Monday, September 26, 2011

New mommy, new blogger

Levi, Honey butt, Hunkin Punkin, the names go on and and on,

I decided to make this blog to have something to look back on when you are older and I miss holding you and kissing you. You are currently laying on my chest, where you have wanted to be all day today. I don't mind really. I know you will grow up too fast and I'll be longing for the days where you were this tiny. Just to let you know, your daddy and I love you more than we ever thought possible. We prayed so hard for you and are so thankful God chose us to be your parents. It was a hard journey for us, but if it we didn't go through all of that, you probably wouldn't be here today. "God bless the broken road that led me straight to you..."

Exactly one month from today we will be on an incredible journey together with your daddy. We are moving to England. You get to grow up in a place I have always dreamed of visiting. I'm really excited for you to have this amazing experience of seeing the world. I just hope we stay long enough for you to remember it.

Right now your favorite things are: Daddy(your whole face lights up when he walks into the room), snuggling with mommy, eating, your new gloworm, and "talking" to me. Sometimes I get all teary-eyed just watching you talk away as if you were really telling me a story. You definitely got your talking gene from me.

You have me totally wrapped around your finger.

P.S. Daddy was just playing with you and you totally just exploded your diaper while sitting on his lap, then smiled about it...good for you!